A Woman Possessed: Michelle Pfeiffer in What Lies Beneath

It’s October, so you know what that means: I’m back on my What Lies Beneath bullshit. It seems I’m beginning to make a habit out of posting about it every October. Well, that’s only natural because the 2000 supernatural thriller, directed by Robert Zemeckis, combines three of my favorite things: Michelle Pfeiffer, autumn in New England, and spooky ghost stuff.

(Spoilers ahead, in case you haven’t seen this twenty-three year old movie yet.)

Speaking of ghosts, we don’t talk enough about that scene where Michelle’s character Claire Spencer performs a ritual she finds in a book—reading is fundamental, kids!—and conjures the spirit who’s been haunting her house. What follows is one of the movie’s signature moments: Michelle in a sexy red dress, seducing her research scientist husband Norman (Harrison Ford) while possessed by Norman’s secret ex-lover Madison, the dead college student who’s been doing all the haunting!

Watching a randy Pfeiffer aggressively seducing a clueless Ford is a real treat. The seduction takes a freaky turn for Norman when Claire speaks in Madison’s voice. It also sparks a repressed memory in Claire that propels the plot into its final, pulse-pounding act.

Needless to say, Michelle Pfeiffer as a woman possessed is a sight to behold. It’s a delicious scene, and she’s the main course (yes, I just wrote that). One of the many reasons I love What Lies Beneath so much has always been that it’s a showcase for Michelle. Claire is our audience surrogate, and we experience the supernatural stirrings—and the problems in her marriage—through her eyes. What Lies Beneath is Michelle Pfeiffer’s film to carry, from beginning to end, and she makes it look easy.

Hopefully, these annual posts have encouraged you to add What Lies Beneath to your October watchlist. You won’t be disappointed.

2 thoughts on “A Woman Possessed: Michelle Pfeiffer in What Lies Beneath

  1. The first time I saw What Lies Beneath was actually in my Sophomore English class. We were studying Gothic works at the time. I really need to rewatch it without screaming classmates in the background. I’m sure I’ll pick up on a lot more.

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