Hot Shots of the Week: A Memorable Introduction

In the annals of gratuitous character introductions, few hold a candle to how we meet camp counselor Terry in Friday the 13th: Part 2 (1981). Before we see her face, director Stephen Minor begins with a tight shot of Terry’s, um, well, tight ass. As we watch it bounce hypnotically through the woods, we see a stone fly through the air and hit her right in the left buttock. She grabs the spot where she just got nailed, whirls around, and sees fellow counselor Scott, smirking mischievously.

Scott, like many a Friday the 13th fan, has a thing for Terry, played by Kirsten Baker. Interestingly, as gratuitous as her introduction might be, her death scene happens off camera. For as many victims as Jason Voorhees has slaughtered over the course of the franchise, victim #5 Terry has always remained a fan favorite, probably because she has an adorable dog named Muffin. Or maybe it’s because she wears kids’ sized shirts that she leave her mesmerizing midriff exposed—including the iconic Mickey Mouse shirt—and the tightest, skimpiest shorts this side of Hazzard County. Okay, that’s probably the main reason.

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