
If you’re anything like me, the last few days of October always trigger conflicting emotions: extreme joy and excitement over tomorrow being Halloween, but also extreme sadness and a sense of loss at the monthlong celebration drawing to a close. In order to combat those tough emotions, I’ve invited Lounge VIP Rhonda Shear back to the stage because, if anyone can lift our spirits about October ending too quickly, it’s Rhonda Shear. With nearly a decade of experience keeping viewers UP all night hosting horror and b-movies on USA Up All Night, Rhonda is more than qualified to lift spirits and, um, other things too.

Without further delay, take it away, Rhonda!

How about a few shots of our late night date getting her spook on, to start?

Now Rhonda has us in the mood to watch Argento’s Deep Red.

The Up All Night blonde bombshell rocks her natural brunette hair just as hard.

One of my prized possessions: Rhonda’s trading card set, released at the height of her Up All Night fame.

In 1992 Rhonda stopped by the legendary Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles to celebrate her photo spread in the latest issue of Playboy.

Here’s a glorious bonus before you go: Rhonda goofing with her fellow Up All Night host and good friend, the dearly departed Gilbert Gottfried.

Okay, one more bonus: pre-fame Baby Rhonda!

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